ThinKnx Cloud Services
– Remote control: automatic connection of the clients to the server without any port forwarding or router configuration.
– Remote update: seamless distribution of projects from configurator to server and all the clients wherever they are.
– Data storage: collection of interesting user data from the installations and storage into a safe DB.
– Dynamic DNS: free dynamic DNS service.
– Remote KNX Programming.
– Push Notifications: for all platforms.
– Connection with third-party Cloud: such as Amazon Alexa and Google home.
Cloud Services

Dinamic DNS
This option is used in the absence of a fixed external IP address at the automated location. On the contrary, the public IP address is accessible but changes after each connection renewal or on router reboot. ThinKnx offers a free dynamic DNS service configurable from the server’s web page. With this service, a host name (such as myhome.my.thinKnx.net) is associated to the public IP address of the router and the server will always be reachable through this host name no matter what the public IP address is.

Data storage
Every project will require to save some data for continuous monitoring, chart visualization, or monthly reporting. This data will be saved for each single server in a dedicated space on the Cloud. Every time a ThinKnx application is launched, the server will contact the Cloud to retrieve this data, and update them as they change. Only a small amount of values is saved locally on the server.

Remote control
Using the ThinKnx Configurator, the integrator or installer can deploy the modified project to the Cloud. The server will automatically be alerted and will reboot once the new version is downloaded, and all the clients will get a notification that a newer version of the project is available to download on their devices.

Automatic clients connection
In the absence of a fixed external IP address at the automated location, it is possible to use ThinKnx Cloud to allow remote access to the project for all clients. They will be able to monitor their entire house from anywhere using only the Internet at no additional cost. However, some services might not be available for this option, such as answering a SIP call remotely or viewing a local IP camera from outside the house.
ThinKnx Portal
ThinKnx Portal: it is the perfect solution for both the system integrator and the end user, with the aim to monitor multiple installations. It enables the installed servers to be virtually connected regardless of their physical location and controlled from a centralized ThinKnx user interface.
Each user has access to a completely customizable web page which collects data from the plant in the form of charts and reports. Recorded data can be filtered by selecting a specific time slot.
Moreover, it is possible to localize all the installed servers through a geographical map. All the devices connected to each plant are detected through a list composed of serial number, active licenses and firmware version.
The user is also able to restart the server in case of failure or malfunction.

Portal Services

Server monitoring
ThinKnx Portal is a very powerful tool for installers and system integrators. The servers list in particular allows them to check the state of each connected device, get all the information such as the activated licences, view logs and interact with KNX, and even upgrade or reboot the device in case of failure. The users can also locate all the online servers on the world map, giving them an overview on their installations.

Push notifications and reports
Through the ThinKnx Portal you can program Report with data coming from all the servers connected.